Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ploy (Thialand)
Ploy lives in the same region as me and a lot of fun.

Elsa (US), Me, Sarah (Belgium)
I spent a coupel hours walking around the city with Sarah. It was great.
After doing our own thing for awhile we ended up at a Starbucks with a big group of other students just siting and talking and enjoying the warmth.

Fake building. I saw a couple of them.I think there's consturuction behind it.

As I said, Berlin is a beatiful city and I would really like to go back with a smaller group of family or freinds to visit the museums and everything that we missed on the tour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, I really like the fake building. I have been reading your blog and while I don't post much I have been noticing a lot of your spelling and grammar errors. Only because I care.
