Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Left to Right: Mine, Marliegh's, Crystal's.


Crystal (US)

Marliegh (US)

Oh man, so good. We went to a Haagen Daz ice cream parlor. It was a sit down place where they brought menus to you and every thing. I had lemon and rasberry sorbet topped with fresh fruit. Marliegh had rassberry layerd with marange, whipped cream, etc. And Crystal had a waffel coverd in cherries with ice cream on the side.
And this is why I'm gaining wieght.

1 comment:

mom said...

I just noticed that Haagen Daz has two a's in a row like lots of Dutch words. Is it a Dutch brand? The fruity deserts look devine. Are Mareigh and Crystal staying in the Netherlands?