Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I just saw the most picture perfect thing. An old man dressed in blue trousers tucked into rain boots, a gray blazer, vest, and wool cap. He was out in a feild working. Oh, and he had a pipe. To bad I didn't have my camera on me. Though I'm not so sure he would appreciate some girl taking pictures of him...

I'm cooking dinner tonight! Fried potatoes and onions with this chicken thats coverd in corn flakes, sounds weird but is actually really good, and appelsauce. I think it will be excellent.


Anonymous said...

I can just picture him. That is a scene you will have in your mind forever, even without a camera.

Yum! Dinner sounds good. I miss your cooking.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

You dinner sounds good to me. Mom use to make fried potatoes and onions. I liked the crusty parts.

Love, Aunt Margaret