Thursday, November 12, 2009

This is me at the airport when we first arrived.
So yesterday was Saint Martins (or Mathews?) day. Kids go house to house with lanterns and sing for candy. I bought three bags of chocolateto give out and not one kid came by. It's true I didn't get home till 7:30 because I had dinner at a friends but really? No kids.
So heres me, alone with a giant bowl of candy... you can guess the rest ; )
The library at my school ha an english section. Not big but good. I have never read so many classics in such a short period of time. 1984, The Pearl, The Red Pony, Animal Farm, I can't even remeber the names of some of them.
And 1984, I kept on trying to figure out how it was going to end happily. Didn't happend.


mom said...

We didn't get any trick-or-treaters either. Most of the kids go to parties.

Cute picture of you on your arrival.

Its great that you are getting to read classics. I loved Animal Farm and cried at The Red Pony.

Anonymous said...

I thought 1984 was very well done. I read 1984 twice, and you know I don't like to re-read things usually.
We got 2 groups of trick or treaters and both came rather early in the day. I ended up finding out how much I like kit-kats once we decided nobody else was coming.
