A very dutch sport of jumping canals with a pole. We only did a small one (well, she did a slightly wider section and I did an extra small spot) and neather of us fell in so overall a success Id say. The really good guys go over real canals that are big and they shimmy up the pole as they sail over the water. Amazing.
It looks so easy when you first see it. Run, jump, hang on to pole and land on other side.
But when youre standing there, looking at this very mucky water thinking,
" Okay, now jump!" except another part of you is saying " Wait, this isnt happening. You have clean pants on and lets please keep it that way."
In the end you jump, and make it. And then you jump a couple more times (thought there are some close calls).
Happy Birthday to Agatha!
Polstokspringen is my new favorite spectator sport and my second favorite word in Dutch (after klompen).
Elise, I feel your anxiety. Glad you made it through with clean pants.
Hi Elise,
Now I can make comments again. This "sport" is a hoot! I don't think I am coordinated enough to do it. Oh well, clean pants aren't all they are cracked up to be. ha ha
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